Combating The Corona Virus (COVID-19)
There is no doubt that we are in a war against a powerful (…but not indestructible) virus, COVID-19. During this time, we must not fall subject to fear and panic, but we must arm ourselves mentally and physically to conquer this epidemic.
Mentally, we must be open to learning and actively seeking out the knowledge already available on how to squelch this virus. Physically, we must be proactive and take the very simple steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones. So, let’s first begin by gaining a general and simplified understanding of the virus.
When talking about the Coronavirus, you may hear it referred by a few different names…Novel Coronavirus (nCoV), SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronovirus 2) and COVID-19. Here’s a breakdown of each of these names.
- Novel Coronavirus (nCoV): The term initially used with the outbreak of this virus. This simply means a new strain of virus that has not been previously identified in humans. This name currently has been dropped and/or is used less frequently. On occasion, you may still hear epidemiologists use this term.
- SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronovirus 2): this is the name of the actual virus. This name was chosen because the virus is genetically related to the coronavirus responsible for the SARS outbreak of 2003, although there are still many differences between the two.• SARS does not transmit as easily as COVID-19. Asymptomatic people carrying COVID-19 can transmit the virus• Asymptomatic people carrying COVID-19 can transmit the virus• SARS is only transmittable after symptoms develop
- COVID-19: This is the name of the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. For example, HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.
Corona viruses are a family of viruses made from RNA instead of DNA. The coronavirus has spikes on its surface that allow it to attach to receptors on the membrane of our cells, with a preference for cells in the lungs, heart, kidneys and the entire gastrointestinal tract.
Once a coronavirus enters a person, the virus hijacks our DNA operating system inside the cells and injects its information into our own DNA. The DNA passes the information to our cell’s RNA, with instructions to make millions of photocopies of the virus. The virus uses us, the host, to replicate itself.
The virus has a higher affinity for the lungs. The virus will bind to receptor sites in the lungs (ACE-2 receptors) allowing it to bust through the lung cell (alveoli). The virus will severely damage these alveoli sacs which allow oxygen uptake and transfer to take place. Once this happens in the lungs, the infected cells cannot adequately take up oxygen and transfer that oxygen to our blood when we breathe. This is the reason a patient must be placed on a ventilator in severe cases of infection.
Symptoms of COVID-19
The “incubation period” means the time between catching the virus and beginning to have symptoms of the disease. Most estimates of the incubation period for COVID-19 range from 1-14 days, most commonly around five days.
Common symptoms are:
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Dry cough
- Sore Throat
- Loss of smell or taste
- Difficulty breathing (in severe cases)
80% of infected people will have milder symptoms, 15% will have serious symptoms and 5% will be fighting for their lives. Our goal in of this article is to arm you with informative concepts to help prevent infection and to assist in decreasing the numbers of people who will suffer a serious infection.
While many people who become infected experience only mild symptoms, there are emergency warning signs to look out for, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Emergency Warning Signs of COVID-19
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Shortness of breath
- General aches and pains
- Low responsiveness to stimuli
- Mental confusion
- Bluish tinge to the lips or face
Transmission of COVID-19
In the beginning it was thought that the virus was only spread by coming into contact with an infected person; however, we now know that there are a variety of ways this virus is transmitted.
- Aerosols/droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
- Droplets of saliva
- Discharge from the nose
- Aerosols produced by breathing (exhaling) or talking
- Breathing the same air an infected person has been in
- Coming into contact with a COVID-19 contaminated surface
- Contact with feces of an infected person
According to a 2009 World Health Organization report, when someone coughs, they can spray up to 3,000 droplets. A sneeze could yield 40,000. Not all droplets are visible to the human eye. Some virus-filled droplets are smaller than a single human hair. A human hair measures at 60-120 microns. Droplets containing the virus can be as small as 1 micron.
Although the CDC is now stating that aerosols/droplets can reach up to 13 feet, a more recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) found that under the right conditions, liquid droplets from sneezes, coughs and just exhaling can travel more than 26 feet and linger in the air for up to 30 minutes. So, even if you go to a store with gloves and sanitizer you can be inhaling corona infected aerosols that someone else has exhaled.
The New England Journal of Medicine and Harvard Health recently published a study that tested how long the virus can remain viable on different surfaces. Here’s what they found out about how long the virus will remain alive and stable on the following surfaces:
- Face masks – 7 days
- Cloth – 2 days
- Wood – 2 days
- Steel, Plastic, Glass, Paper Money – 3 days
- Smartphone – 3 days
- Nasal, sinus, oral cavities – 3 days
- Cardboard – 24 hours
- Copper – 4 hours
- Paper – 3 hours
The life span of the virus depends on various factors like temperature and humidity. Researchers behind this new study tested the virus’ life span in a 71°F room at 40%-65% relative humidity.
Dr. Akiko Iwasaki, professor of immunology at Yale University, states, “The virus is pretty stable on materials like plastic and steel, so it’s very possible that someone who’s sick will deposit the virus on to the surface and then somebody else will touch it and touch their face.”
The coronavirus has been found to be very stable with a life span on smooth surfaces for over 5 days at temperatures of 71.6-77° F (22–25°C) and relative humidity of 40–50% (a typical air-conditioned environment).
However, the virus became less viable (able to survive) at higher temperatures and higher relative humidity (e.g., 100°F / 38°C, and relative humidity of >95%). Scientists now know that the virus is inactivated with heat exposure of 5 min or longer at 158°F (70°C) or higher.
Who’s At Risk
The Coronavirus can attack anyone. People of any age can be infected by the coronavirus. Most infected people will develop mild to moderate symptoms and recover without requiring special treatment, according to the WHO. Based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people who have serious underlying medical conditions (of any age) have a higher risk of developing severe disease and death, the WHO said.
High Risk Factors for developing severe (or life-threatening) COVID-19
- Diabetes (mellitus)
- Lung disease (Asthma, COPD, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.)
- Hypertension
- Cardiovascular disease
- Cerebrovascular disease (stroke, carotid stenosis, intracranial stenosis, aneurysms, blood vessel stenosis)
- Immunocompromised
- Cancer
- Kidney Disease or Chronic kidney failure
- Chronic Liver Disease
- Smoking (tobacco, marijuana, etc.), Vaping
Protecting Yourself from COVID-19
Here are a few basic things EVERYONE (young or old) should be doing to help reduce the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.
1. Wear a mask when in public
The CDC now recommends that everyone in the US wear nonsurgical masks when going out in public.
Persons infected with coronavirus (whether symptomatic or asymptomatic) emit aerosols when they talk or breathe. Aerosols can contain infectious viral particles that can float or drift around in the air. Another person can breathe in these aerosols and become infected with the virus. A mask can help prevent that spread. An article published in New England Journal of Medicine in March reported that aerosolized coronavirus could remain in the air for up to three hours.
If you don’t have an N-95 mask, don’t worry…use a scarf, bandana, homemade mask. Any covering is better than no covering.
The CDC has information on how to make, wear, and clean nonsurgical masks.
2. Wear gloves when in public
Remove and dispose of the gloves before getting into your vehicle, then put on another clean pair of gloves if you’re making another stop. Always make sure to sanitize and wipe car door handles (exterior and interior), as well as the steering wheel and all buttons you touch in your vehicle. I use 3% (or higher) hydrogen peroxide to sanitize.
3. Stop touching your face
The portal of entries for this virus are nasal and oral cavities and the eyes.
4. Wash your hands frequently
Make sure to soap up and scrub your hands (front, back, under nails) for a total of 20 seconds. You can either count…1 mississippi, 2 mississipi…up to 20 mississippi, or you can sing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song -in its entirety- twice. You do not need to use an antibacterial soap, any soap will do. The key is washing for 20 seconds or longer.
5. Disinfect surfaces
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces, daily. High touch surfaces include counters, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and bedside tables. Use 3% or stronger Hydrogen peroxide or 70% ethanol alcohol. Spray surfaces and leave on for 5-6 minutes before wiping. (you can use bleach as a disinfectant, but I rarely recommend this because inhaling the fumes and/or skin contact is toxic for the human body. It’s also bad for the environment. If you can’t find peroxide, you can use bleach as a last resort). Rescue One-Step Disinfectant has been found to be effective for sanitizing.
6. Disinfect your credit cards and smartphone
7. Paper Cash and coins can carry coronavirus
Wear gloves while handling money or credit cards. Do not touch your face. If you don’t have gloves, wash your hands, immediately after handling currency or credit cards. If you must enter your pin number into a credit card machine, use a Q-tip to enter numbers into the touch pad (if not wearing gloves)
8. Carry your own pen with you.
Do not use someone else’s pen.
9. Do not use someone else’s phone
Do not use anyone else’s phone unless it has been sanitized. In the event of using someone else’s phone, cover the phone with a tissue while using it, then immediately wash your hands. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR FACE!
10. Sanitize your phone once you get home
11. Immediately wash hands after handling home delivery boxes
Empty the cardboard box and immediately discard. Wash hands for 20 seconds.
12. Leave your grocery bags outside your home
Using gloves, carefully move items into your home and prepare to wash and sanitize them. Anything in a carton and not subject to spoiling should be left in your garage for 5 days before handling. Wash all plastic bottles or cans with soapy hot water for 20 seconds, then dry or spray with peroxide and leave on for 6 minutes before wiping off.
Fill a sink with water and add ¼ cup of hydrogen peroxide. Soak all your produce for 5-6 minutes. Drain and rinse produce. Dry the produce and put away. Refrigeration and/or freezing does not kill the coronavirus. (Research shows that raw food is unlikely to cause COVID-19, even if it’s contaminated by a cough or sneeze because the virus reproduces in your respiratory tract, not your digestive tract. However, if you handle raw contaminated food – like produce- then touch your face with your hands, you could potentially infect yourself. For that reason, washing and sanitizing produce with peroxide is a good measure. NEVER USE BLEACH TO SANITIZE PRODUCE/FOOD. (Bleach is highly toxic upon ingestion.)
13. Remove your clothing before re-entering your home
If you’ve been out in public, change your clothes immediately upon returning home. Put the clothes you’ve been wearing in a hamper or wash immediately. Do not leave these clothes lying around. Wash your hands again after changing out of your clothes.
14. Spray your hair with peroxide
Place 3% peroxide in a 32 oz spray bottle and add 40 drops of lavender essential oil. Turn the spray bottle to the light spray mist. Spray your hair when returning from public places and let air dry. You don’t need to saturate your hair, just mist your hair. Do not get peroxide in your eyes.
You may also use this solution to lightly mist your clothing and shoes if you’re unable to change or shower after being out in a public place. Do not spray full strength peroxide on your skin.
While there is no system of decontamination that is foolproof, the more steps you incorporate the greater the degree of protection for you or a loved one.
- Boost your Immunity
A strong immune system is your most powerful defense when faced with COVID-19. You can boost your immunity by getting 7 or more hours of sleep a night, eliminating or restricting processed food, eating whole foods and taking immune boosting supplements (see below for a list of immune boosting supplements) - Limit alcohol intake to no more than 3 or 4 drinks per week
Alcohol suppresses immune function and disrupts immune pathways. Chronic alcohol consumption has been linked with acute respiratory stress syndromes (ARDS). - Exercise regularly
Regular exercise can increase T-cells and boost the function of natural killer cells in the immune system. Exercise also lowers levels of inflammatory cytokines that play a role in chronic illness and diseases. Steam inhalation
Use the good old fashion steam inhalation method to kill corona virus in nasal passageways and sinuses. Steam reaches a temperature of 212°F (100°C), which can kill coronavirus. Boil water, remove from stove and place in a glass, ceramic or metal bowl, place your face over the bowl of steaming water with a towel over your head and the bowl with your eyes closed (becareful not to burn your face or nasal passage ways with steam). Set a timer for 10 minutes and inhale through your nose. Add eucalyptus (10 drops) to the solution to increase antiviral effects and open bronchioles and sinuses. (CAUTION: Steam can scald your skin, eyes and nasal passages. When performing steam inhalation, you must remain at a comfortable distance from the bowl to avoid scalding. If the steam feels too hot or uncomfortable, lift your head higher from the bowl. If you suffer from poor discriminatory perception for temperature levels, you should not do a steam inhalation.)- Gargle with sea salt in warm water, daily
Clinical research finds salt-water gargles valuable for blocking viruses and bacteria, reducing the chance of infections in the mouth and throat, and relieving inflammation in certain health imbalances. Salt has been scientifically proven to help draw water out of oral tissues, while creating a salt barrier that locks out bacteria, viruses and harmful pathogens from getting back inside.Mix ½ teaspoon of sea salt in 8 oz of warm water and gargle for 20 seconds, then spit out. Repeat until all 8 oz of solution have been used. - WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS! WASH YOUR HANDS!
Wash your hands frequently with soap for 20 seconds or longer and stop touching your face.
As the outbreak of COVID-19 continues to spread around the world, more than 80 clinical trials are underway testing remedies ranging from intravenous vitamin C and stem cells to HIV drugs and malaria medication. Here are some of the results showing the most effective supplements that can inhibit the coronavirus.
- Olive Leaf extract (Oleuropein)
The active ingredient in olive leaf extract, oleuropein, has been shown in clinical studies to have a potent antiviral effect and antipyretic (prevents or reduces fevers).Clinical studies show taking 500 mg twice daily to be effective in combating viruses. - Quercetin
Quercetin has been shown in research to provide broad spectrum protection against a wide range of viruses, including SARS. Studies showed that Quercetin inhibited the virus’ ability to infect cells and inhibited it’s ability to replicate in a cell that was already infected.Take 500 mg twice daily - Vitamin C
Not only a vitamin but it’s a potent oxidizing agent that can help eliminate pathogens when given in high doses. In high doses (24,000 mg or more) it acts as an anti-viral agent. In normal doses, however, vitamin C may not have an anti-viral effect, but it will enhance the immune system function. Vitamin C also enhances plasma quercetin levelsProphylactically, take 1000 mg three times per day. For acute infection, take 6000 mg per hour to simulate intravenous administration levels. (Do not take this high dose if you have the genetic disorder glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD). - Vitamin D
Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of respiratory infection, regulates cytokine production and can limit the risk of other viruses such as influenza.*Vitamin D doesn’t have a direct effect on the virus, but it strengthens the immune function allowing a person’s body to combat the virus more effectively.Take 10,000 IU’s daily if your vitamin D levels fall below 60 ng/mL. If your vitamin D levels are 60 ng/mL or higher, take 5000 IU’s daily for added protection. If you are unsure where your Vitamin D levels are then take 10,000 IU’s daily. Do not exceed 90 days at 10,000 IU’s unless under a health practitioners supervision. Zinc
Zinc has been shown to inhibit coronavirus in vitro and block coronavirus replication in cell culture.Take 25 mg twice, daily- N-aceytly Cysteine (NAC)
Encourages glutathione production, thins mucus, lowers your chances of influenza infection and reduces your risk of developing severe bronchitis. NAC is an effective agent for lung support, lung cleansing and lung tissue rebuilding.Take 600mg-900mg twice daily - Melatonin
Research suggests that the excessive inflammation, oxidation, and exaggerated immune response during COVID-19 infection contributes to the cytokine storm that progresses into acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and immunomodulating effects of melatonin have been shown to be protective against viral-induced ALI/ARDS.Research has reported the use of melatonin to be safe.Take 8-16 mg nightly.
I’ve seen a number of websites admonishing the use of vitamins and supplements against COVID-19 and declaring any information supporting the use of natural alternatives as fake news.
This piqued my interest because I am diligent about presenting accurate, clinically proven, science-based research to my readers, so I felt this was worth checking out. What I uncovered were actions so reprehensible that it left my jaw hanging.
A new company called NewsGuard says that they can protect you from fake news. They are a website that allows you to download an app plugin for your computer so that you’ll be notified every time a piece of ‘fake news’ hits the internet. This sounds like a great idea, right? I mean…especially with so much inaccurate information floating around the ‘net’ these days. Well, think again.
NewsGuard was set up by Steven Brill (a corporate attorney who has never represented consumers-only large multimillion dollar corporations) and Gordon Crovitz (a media executive, advisor to media and technology companies and former publisher for the Wall Street Journal). The purpose of this website and app plugin is purported to provide liability ratings and nutrition label write-ups for 7500 news and information websites on health and nutrition. What this means is that, supposedly it will filter out fraudulent, non-science based information.
Now, what these two brilliant gentlemen did is look for massive funding (multimillions) for this ‘watchdog’ internet application. This all sounds good and altruistic so far to me.
So, what they do is approach a company called Publicis Groupe for funding. This group is all to happy to invest multimillions of dollars into this venture, and why wouldn’t they be? Afterall, Publicis Groupe is funded by billions of dollars from pharmaceutical companies and healthcare companies. Pharmaceutical companies like Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, and Roche are the big funders for this venture through Publicis Groupe.
What does this mean? Well, with this multimillion dollar funding there were, of course, very large strings attached. Those strings were that any piece of news or science that does not support pharmaceutical drugs be labeled as ….you guessed it… ‘Fake News’.
So, it’s clear that this is not an altruistic venture at all and never was intended to be. This is yet another way for ‘Big Pharma’ to confuse and deceive the consumer, all in an effort to keep them buying their prescription drugs, and prevent them from seeking out safe, natural alternatives, while making 2 very rich men – even richer.
NewsGuard also advocates unless news is published in The Wall Street Journal or Washington Post, it is ALL FAKE NEWS.
The main reason I provide you with a list of references at the end of each blog/article is so that you can see that all the information that we provide is based on scientific evidence and not our opinion. You can see the vast list of peer-reviewed, well-respected, medical research journals that we get our information from.
Don’t let ‘Big Pharma’ hold you hostage with lies and deception.
Will a pneumococcal vaccine help protect me against coronavirus?
Harvard Medical School found that vaccines against pneumonia, such as pneumococcal vaccine and Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) vaccine, only help protect people from these specific bacterial infections. They do not protect against any coronavirus pneumonia, including pneumonia that may be part of COVID-19.
Clinical studies have revealed that people who have taken flu vaccines yearly are more susceptible to contracting COVID-19.
Doctors at Valley Health System, a New Jersey Hospital, announce that they have given the first dose of convalescent plasma therapy to a COVID-19 patient on Sunday, April 12, 2020.
Convalescent plasma showing great promise for treating people with COVID-19. When people recover from COVID-19, their blood contains antibodies that their bodies produced to fight the coronavirus and help them get well. Antibodies are found in plasma, a component of blood.
Convalescent plasma — literally plasma from recovered patients — has been used for more than 100 years to treat a variety of illnesses from measles to polio, chickenpox, and SARS. In the current situation, antibody-containing plasma from a recovered patient is given by transfusion to a patient who is suffering from COVID-19. The donor antibodies help the patient fight the illness, possibly shortening the length or reducing the severity of the disease.
Though convalescent plasma has been used for many years, and with varying success, not much is known about how effective it is for treating COVID-19. There have been reports of success from China, but no randomized, controlled studies (the gold standard for research studies) have been done.
Dr. Neil Gaffin, an infectious disease specialist at Valley Hospital, said the therapy has been used in pandemics including the 1918 Spanish flu and the SARS outbreak.
He says it works like this: A COVID-19 patient is infused with the plasma from an individual who has recovered from the infection. The hope is the antibodies boost the infected patient’s immune system to help fight the virus.
“These antibodies are thought to be the major mediators of immunity against the virus, we don’t know all of the specifics, but that’s the theory behind this,” Gaffin said.
On March 24th, the FDA began allowing convalescent plasma to be used in patients with serious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections. This treatment is still considered experimental but shows great promise..
Many of our patients have asked us how we’re protecting ourselves, so I’ll share with you what Dr C and I are doing.
First of all, we follow the lists I have given you above. We use social distancing. We never leave the house without our mask, a box of gloves, a roll of paper towels and a spray bottle of full strength peroxide (3%).
For supplements we are taking the following, prophylactically to bolster our immune system in case we come in contact with the virus:
Olivirex – 2 per day ( 4 per day if out in public)
Immunoven – 2 per day
Quercetin – 2 per day ( 4 per day if out in public)
NAC (N-acetyl cysteine) – 2 per day ( 4 per day if out in public)
Pneumoven (lung protection) – 2 per day ( 4 per day if out in public)
Zinc – 60 mg, daily
Proflora 4R probiotic (spore probiotic) – 1 per day
Vitamin C – 3,000-4,000 mg, daily
Vitamin D – 10,000 IU’s, daily
Sleep EZ (melatonin) – 8mg – 16mg, nightly
Those of you that know us know that we eat extremely healthy. No processed food, only whole foods (whole grains and lots of veggies) and little to no alcohol. We enjoy wine on occasion, but we only consume about 2-3 glasses a month at best.
We drink 3 liters of filtered water daily.
We exercise 5 days per week (consisting of weights, cardio activity, yoga and outdoor hikes…important for our pooches, Bella -our Beagle (who by the way is 15 years old and looks forward to her 3 mile hikes) and her sister Brandy -our St. Bernard.)
We get no less than 7 hours of sleep per night and we gargle with warm salt water solution comprised of ¾ tsp of sea salt in 8 oz of water, daily. If we’ve been out in public, we gargle twice daily.
That’s our arsenal.
Stay Healthy My Dear Friends and Take the Necessary Precautions!
This blog has been provided by Dr. John Coppola, D.C. and Dr. Valerie Monteiro, D.C. Dr. Coppola and Dr. Monteiro are the founders of the San Antonio Neuropathy Center, and Precision Sport & Spine. They are the leading experts in the field of neuropathy and specifically drug free nerve repair. They are the authors of the critically acclaimed book “Defeat Neuropathy Now …. In Spite of Your Doctor. The doctors have over 25 years of clinical experience.
If you would like to reach the doctors regarding a specific health problem, you may email them at [email protected].
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